Triple check you’ve added all the audio files for each actor you want to lip-Sync.
- See Upload new audio file for how to upload
- See Audio requirements for Lipdub for more details on requirements
Click Generate
Once all your audio files have been added, you can click the <Generate Results> button.
Here you will get a pop-up that explains the credit impact and you can rename your output to be whatever you’d like.

Advanced Features
The “Advanced Features” section that will expose some of our latest experimental features that you can test! 😎
Maintain Expression feature

This feature allows for bringing back the emotion that is in original video. If you think LipDub results you created initially did not quite have the same emotion (e.g. smile-y) that was in the original video, you can try turning this on and re-generate! PSA: if you are not seeing this feature in Generate Result page. Please perform the following: "CONTROL + SHIFT + R" and that should hard refresh your page and you should be able to see the new feature now!
Limitations to the “Maintain Expression” feature
- The video that you uploaded must have audio.
- The original video cannot be muted.
- The original video should have its original audio intact.
- If you do not have the original audio for the video (this common with AI generated videos because there isn't any original audio) then uploading the video with the dubbed audio MAY also work, but no guarantees.
- “Clean” audio works better within the original video (i.e. the video that you upload)
- This feature works best when there is little to no background noise within the original audio and there is no overlap in actors speaking.
Why these limitations?
- Normally, LipDub studies what each actor looks like on screen. What their mouth, lips, inside of the mouth looks like so it can create a realistic and seamless output.
- With this feature LipDub also uses the original audio to inform how the mouth shape of the actor should look like when certain sounds & visemes are said.
What are Visemes & Phonemes? → click here.
Here’s a few examples: